Are you looking for help with relationship communication?
What is Spiritual Partnership?
And How Does It Affect Relationship Communication?

Welcome to my website – and my
relationship books – where you will find refreshingly different advice that bypasses the need for better communication!
My spiritually-based relationships advice is
different because it explains:
Why it is a MYTH that communication is the most important relationship skill and why communication fails many couples.

The Eight Loving Actions

The Eight Loving Actions that move you completely beyond the Old Model of relationship communication skills are these:
1. Adopt a Spirit of Good Will
2. Give Up Problem-Solving
3. Act As If
4. Practice Restraint
5. Balance Giving and Taking
6. Act on Your Own
7. Practice Acceptance
8. Practice Compassion
Meet Susan Page
Repeat Oprah guest Susan Page has been conducting workshops for both singles and couples, nationally and internationally since 1980. She has keynoted dozens of relationship conventions and was invited to share the platform with John Gray at his recent Masonic Auditorium event in San Francisco. Her international speaking and media career has taken her to twenty-six states, Canada, Korea, Australia, and Mexico. She is a past chapter president of the National Speakers Association.

Now available for purchase!

All of my books as e-book downloads, on all e-book devices.

The Eight Essential Traits of Couples Who Thrive
Susan Page wondered what she would learn by studying happy, thriving couples to see what they have in common.

How One of You Can Bring the Two of You Together
Breakthrough Strategies to Resolve Your Conflicts and Reignite Your Love

Why Talking Is Not Enough
8 Loving Actions That Will Transform Your Marriage A Guidebook for Spiritual Partnership

If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?
Ten Strategies That Will Change Your Love Life Forever

The Shortest Distance Between You and a Published Book
Everything You Need to Know in the Order You Need to Know It

What The Experts Are Saying About